
HAPI Server Verifier using node.js and JSON Schema

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

HAPI Server Verifier

Runs a suite of tests on a HAPI server via a web interface or the command line. The tests involve a combination of JSON schema validation and ad-hoc code.

A running instance, documentation, and example output is available at




Local Installation

Installation is only required if the server to test is not available from a public IP address.

# Install Node Version Manager (NVM)
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.39.3/install.sh | bash
nvm install
# Clone repository
git clone https://github.com/hapi-server/verifier-nodejs.git
# Install required Node.js packages
cd verifier-nodejs; npm install
# Run unit test
node verify.js --test

Command-Line Usage

node verify.js
  --url URL
  [--dataset DATASETID
  --parameter PARAMETERNAME

If --url URL is provided, output is sent to stdout and a web server is not started. See verify.html for documentation.

See node verify.js --help for additional options.

Server Usage

node verify.js [--port PORT] [--plotserver URL]

If no arguments are provided, a web server is started on port 9999 and plotserver=http://hapi-server.org/plot.

See http://localhost:9999/ for API documentation.


Open in StackBlitz

Schema Validation Only

To execute a schema validation on file or URL, use

node validate.js <file|URL> [--version HAPIVERSION]

If version is not given, the value in the JSON is used.


node validate.js test/json/capabilities.json
node validate.js http://hapi-server.org/servers/TestData2.0/hapi/capabilities


Submit questions, bug reports, and feature requests to the issue tracker.