
A JavaScript client for OST KIT (ost.com)

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status

promise based client for OST KIT


Using npm:

npm install ostkit --save

Using yarn:

yarn add ostkit --save


Check out the tutorial for beginners!

List users

var Ostkit=require("ostkit")

var ok = new Ostkit("YOUR_API_KEY", "YOUR_API_SECRET");

ok.usersList().then((res) => {

Create a user

var Ostkit=require("ostkit")

var ok = new Ostkit("YOUR_API_KEY", "YOUR_API_SECRET");

ok.usersCreate({name: "Stefan"}).then((res) => {
}).catch((e) => {
    console.log("Err", e.response.data.err)

Supported Methods

  • usersCreate({name})
  • usersEdit({uuid, name})
  • usersList({page_no = 1, filter = "all", order_by = "creation_time", order="desc"})
  • usersAirdropDrop({amount, list_type})
  • usersAirdropStatus({airdrop_uuid})
  • transactiontypesCreate({name, kind, currency_type, currency_value, commission_percent})
  • transactiontypesEdit({client_transaction_id, name, kind, currency_type, currency_value, commission_percent})
  • transactiontypesList()
  • transactiontypesExecute({from_uuid, to_uuid, transaction_kind})
  • transactiontypesStatus({transaction_uuids})


ostkit.js is part of my OST KIT⍺ Phase II Project FIRMAMENT

I am using serveo for development on ostkit.js and Firmament. The author of that awesome service (Trevor) is asking his users for donations to help fund his friends babys liver transplant. If anyone of you can spare some coins please do so at gofundme.com