
A Kotlin project for the RecentlyUsedList kata

Primary LanguageKotlin

Recently Used List

Develop a recently-used-list class to hold strings uniquely in Last-In-First-Out order.

  • The most recently added item is first, the least recently added item is last.
  • Items can be looked up by index, which counts from zero.
  • Items in the list are unique, so duplicate insertions are moved rather than added.
  • A recently-used-list is initially empty.
  • The Recently Used List reports size equal to the number of items in the list.

(Source: https://github.com/garora/TDD-Katas)


interface RecentlyUsedList {
    val size: Int
    operator fun get(i: Int) : String
    fun insert(element: String)

Run the tests

  1. Import the project in IntelliJ
    1. Click Import Project
    2. Open the build.gradle file
    3. Select "Use Auto-import" to make your life easier
  2. Open src/test/kotlin/RecentlyUsedListTest.kt
  3. Run the JUnit test in the file