
This is deprecated - Use markdown-mod instead

A markdown card for lovelace, which does a bit more.

This card requires card-tools to be installed.

For installation instructions see this guide.


This card works exactly the same as the core Home Assistant markdown-card.

However, this card can do a bit more with what you put in the content: parameter.

The magic begins with the template [[ <template> ]].

The template will be automatically and dynamically replaced with:

<template> Example Result
Entity id light.bed_light The current state of the entity
State light.bed_light.state Same as above
Attribute light.bed_light.attributes.friendly_name The current value of the specified entitys specified attribute
Username {user} The username of the currently logged in user
Device ID {browser} The ID of the currently used device-browser combination
Hash {hash} The hash part of the current URL

Those last three options are probably most useful with the final form of the template: The if.


Syntax: [[ if(<condition>, <then>, <else>) ]] Simply put, if <condition> is satisfied, the template will be replaced with <then>, otherwise it will be replaced with <else>.

Both <then> and <else> can in turn be <template> expressions, and <else> can even be another if(!).

Conditions are in the form <left> <comparison> <right> where <left> and <right> are <template>, strings or numeric values.

<comparison> is one of ==, !=, <, >, <= or >=.


title: useful-markdown-card

  # Some controlls for demo purposes
  - type: vertical-stack

    - type: entities
        - input_number.x_pos

    - type: horizontal-stack
        - type: entity-button
          entity: light.bed_light
          name: " "
          tap_action: {action: toggle}

        - type: entity-button
          entity: sun.sun
          icon: mdi:numeric-1
          name: " "
          tap_action: {action: navigate, navigation_path: "#subpage1"}

    - type: horizontal-stack
        - type: entity-button
          entity: sun.sun
          icon: mdi:numeric-2
          name: " "
          tap_action: {action: navigate, navigation_path: "#subpage2"}

        - type: entity-button
          entity: sun.sun
          icon: mdi:numeric-3
          name: " "
          tap_action: {action: navigate, navigation_path: "#subpage3"}

  # A default markdown card for comparison
  - type: markdown
    title: Default markdown card
    content: &markdown |
      # Title
      ## Subtitle
      - list
      - items

      [A link](

      [[ light.bed_light.state ]]
      [[ light.bed_light ]]
      [[ light.bed_light.attributes.friendly_name ]]

      Username: [[ {user} ]] Browser ID: [[ {browser} ]]
      Current URL hash: [[ {hash} ]]

      [[ if(light.bed_light == "on", "The lights are on", "It's dark") ]]
      [[ if(input_number.x_pos <= 30, "small", if(input_number.x_pos <= 70, "Medium", "LARGE")) ]]

  # And finally, the useful-markdown-card with a copy of the same content
  - type: custom:useful-markdown-card
    title: Useful markdown card
    content: *markdown

useful-markdown-card mp4


You can also specify css styling to add to the html elements of the card. Specify it as normal css in a style: parameter.


type: custom:useful-markdown-card
style: |
  ha-card {
    padding: 16px;
  h1 {
    text-align: center;
    font-size: 64px;
  h2 {
    text-align: center;
    color: var(--primary-color);
content: |
  # [[ sensor.time ]]
  ## [[ ]]


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