= Work In Progress
This repostory holds development of Grammar::Parser and CSI tools.
== [Grammar::Parser][tree/dev-grammar-parser]
Evolved from [SQL::Admin][../perl-SQL-Admin] aims to provide
- unified grammar, lexer, and rule actions definition
- multiple backend support (Marpa, YAPP, regex, ...)
- grammar introspection (static analysis, debugging, ...)
== CSI
CSI stands for source code investigation hinting your code is a crime scene to be investigated.
CSI aims to be language independent, starting with Java support.
- critic (static analysis)
- tidy
- language transformation / refactoring
Similar tools:
- [Babble][https://metacpan.org/pod/Babble]
- [Code::ART][https://metacpan.org/pod/Babble]
== [CSI::Grammar][tree/dev-csi-grammar]
Inspired by raku's Grammar, provides intermediate glue between Grammar::Parser and CSI needs.
- C/XS compilation
- IDE/editor language support
- emacs / raku-mode
- emacs / perl-mode
== [CSI::Language::Java][tree/dev-csi-java]
Proof of concept language implementation.
Why Java?
- simple grammar
- very noisy language => lot of noisy code (record holder so far: 1.1 MB java file)
- lot of noisy code suggests lot of shitty code (lot of use cases for CSI)