
SPWA to send email nudges on stock activity. Completely serverless backend using AWS Lambda, Elasticache Redis and SES using passport basic-auth

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Single page react web app that uses redis, mongodb and the Alpha-Vantage stock API via AWS Lambda.

A React UI enables login and the management of user specific config that determines the contents of the Fizzgig stock ticker visualisation dashboard.

A scheduled lambda function is used to poll the Alpha-Vantage API and push 'subscribed' tickers to AWS's elasticache managed Redis service. All instances of the app poll the cache proxied through lambda function.
The scheduled lambda also looks at the users ticker thresholds, set in the UI.
The scheduler will send the user an email if a user created price threshold is crossed.

Setting up in AWS is fairly involved and too complicated to explain in detail here. You will need to set up instances of MongoDb as well as the AWS services Elasticache Redis, Lambda and SES.
You will need to set up a CDN that is linked to a security group shared by these AWS services.
You will need to set up scheduling rules for cloud watch events for the scheduling function, I run it ever five minutes with rate(5 minute)
You will also need to make sure that lambda has the following execution roles:


Installing the Serverless API

Install Serverless:

Install dependencies (inside ./serverless - npm install)

Installing the Create React App UI

Install dependencies (inside /client - yarn install)

Before execution setup .env's in both folders copying the.example-env layouts and populate with your ports and secrets etc as described in the files.

The serverless repo has a secrets.json (example.secrets.json) as well as .test-env (.example.test-env) in the /etc folder. These variables are for testing locally. You can source the .env with - source ./etc/.test-env

Build and deploy to AWS - serverless deploy
Build and start the UI - yarn start

Other API Commands

  • Invoke Serverless locally - serverless invoke local --function functionName
  • Start Serverless offline - npm run offline
  • Serverless terminal logs tail - serverless logs -f functionName --tail
  • Build and run tests and Istanbul coverage - npm run test
  • Build and run one test - npm run test-one