
Make your entire neighborhood happy.

Onboarding a new neighborhood

This process requires two steps. Generating a CSV, and then ingesting it.

Run the following to generate a csv template:

bundle exec rails neighborhood:generate_onboarding_csv

# Creates <TIMESTAMP>_onboard_neighborhood.csv file

Fill out the template with the neighborhood and houses you want to include. Each neighborhood entry will be deduplicated, so you will have several rows with identical columns. For example, refer to spec/fixtures/nonempty_onboarding_neighborhood.csv.

Once the template is filled out, you can ingest it by running:

bundle exec rails neighborhood:upload[path/to/csv]



Some of our endpoints use token-based authorization. This means that you will need to specify the token for the endpoint via an HTTP header.


curl '$HAPPY_HOUSE/house_valuations/:house_id' -H 'Authorization: Bearer token="$ENDPOINT_TOKEN"'

If you want to test this out using docker-compose, you can do the following:

  • docker-compose up to spin up the application infrastructure
  • In a seperate pane/terminal session, curl '' -H 'Authorization: Bearer token="fake123"'



You can use dip (a docker-compose interface) to run the application.

# start a shell in the `app` service (see docker-compose.yml for other services)
dip bash

# Run rake in the `app` service
dip rake

# Run rails in the `app` service
dip rails

# Run rspec in the `app` service
dip rspec

# Run a psql console on the `postgres` service
dip psql

Rebuilding a container

docker-compose build