Provides custom metrics for Redis in AWS CloudWatch similar to those provided by Redis in Elasticache.
This requires that you have installed Redis-Py, Boto and have created a Boto configuration file with your AWS credentials (~/.boto). You'll want to run this script as a cronjob every minute.
sudo pip3 install boto redis
curl | sudo tee /usr/local/bin/
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/
(crontab -l ; echo "* * * * * /usr/local/bin/")| crontab -
Metric | Description | Unit |
CurrConnections | The number of client connections, excluding connections from read replicas. | Count |
Evictions | The number of keys that have been evicted due to the maxmemory limit. | Count |
Reclaimed | The total number of key expiration events. | Count |
BytesUsedForCache | The total number of bytes allocated by Redis. | Bytes |
CacheHits | The number of successful key lookups. | Count |
CacheMisses | The number of unsuccessful key lookups. | Count |
CurrItems | The number of items in the cache. This is derived from the Redis keyspace statistic, summing all of the keys in the entire keyspace. | Count |
UsedMemory | The memory in bytes used by the server. | Count |
IOPS | The number of instantaneous ops per sec. | Count |
InputKbps | The number of instantaneous input kbps. | Count |
OutputKbps | The number of instantaneous output kbps. | Count |
Metric | Description | Unit |
GetTypeCmds | The total number of get types of commands. This is derived from the Redis commandstats statistic by summing all of the get types of commands (get, mget, hget, etc.) | Count |
SetTypeCmds | The total number of set types of commands. This is derived from the Redis commandstats statistic by summing all of the set types of commands (set, hset, etc.) | Count |
KeyBasedCmds | The total number of commands that are key-based. This is derived from the Redis commandstats statistic by summing all of the commands that act upon one or more keys. | Count |
StringBasedCmds | The total number of commands that are string-based. This is derived from the Redis commandstats statistic by summing all of the commands that act upon one or more strings. | Count |
HashBasedCmds | The total number of commands that are hash-based. This is derived from the Redis commandstats statistic by summing all of the commands that act upon one or more hashes. | Count |
ListBasedCmds | The total number of commands that are list-based. This is derived from the Redis commandstats statistic by summing all of the commands that act upon one or more lists. | Count |
SetBasedCmds | The total number of commands that are set-based. This is derived from the Redis commandstats statistic by summing all of the commands that act upon one or more sets. | Count |
SortedSetBasedCmds | The total number of commands that are sorted set-based. This is derived from the Redis commandstats statistic by summing all of the commands that act upon one or more sorted sets. | Count |
HyperLogLogBasedCmds | The total number of commands that are hyperloglog-based. This is derived from the Redis commandstats statistic by summing all of the commands that act upon one or more hyperloglogs. | Count |
ScriptBasedCmds | The total number of commands that are script-based. This is derived from the Redis commandstats statistic by summing all of the commands that act upon one or more scripts (eval, evalsha, etc). | Count |
Provides custom metrics for Mongo in AWS CloudWatch.
This requires that you have installed PyMongo, Boto and have created a Boto configuration file with your AWS credentials (~/.boto). You'll want to run this script as a cronjob every minute.
user: "monitor",
pwd: "changeme",
roles: [
sudo pip3 install boto pymongo
curl | sudo tee /usr/local/bin/
sudo chmod 711 /usr/local/bin/
(crontab -l ; echo "* * * * * /usr/local/bin/")| crontab -
Metric | Description | Unit |
CurrentConn | Count | |
AvailableConn | Count | |
CurrentQueue | Count | |
ActiveClients | Count | |
ConcurrentWrite | Count | |
ConcurrentRead | Count | |
MongoMemory | Megabytes |