
OpenID 2.0 Objective-C implementation for OpenID sign on. (inspired by JOpenID)

Primary LanguageObjective-C


OpenID 2.0 Objective-C implementation for OpenID sign on. (inspired by JOpenID)


First, create an OpenIdManager instance and set your web site domain:

   _manager = [[OIDOpenIdManager alloc] init];
   _manager.returnTo = @"https://www.openid-example.com/";
   _manager.realm = @"https://*.openid-example.com";

Next, we lookup the Endpoint URL of Google:

[self.manager lookupEndpoint:@"Google" callback:^(OIDEndpoint *endpoint) {
    NSLog(@"%@", endpoint);

Then we need to get the Association from the Endpoint URL of Google:

    [self.manager lookupAssociation:endpoint callback:^(OIDAssociation *association) {
        NSLog(@"%@", association);

After the Association is setup between your web site and Google, we can redirect the end user to Google's sign on page:

        NSString *url = [self.manager getAuthenticationUrl:endpoint association:association];
        NSLog(@"Open the authentication URL in browser: %@", url);

we can still continue to finish the sign on process:

        NSString *url = @"the URL in address bar of browser";
        NSLog(@"After successfully sign on in browser, enter the URL of address bar in browser: %@", url);
        OIDAuthentication *authentication = [self.manager authentication:request key:self.macKey alias:self.alias];
        if (authentication) {
            NSLog(@"Login Success Identity: %@", authentication.identity);
        } else {
            NSLog(@"Login failure.");

If you want more detail, please see JOpenID's QuickStart.


ObjcOpendID is made available under the New BSD License.

JOpenID is an OpenID 2.0 Java 5 implementation. https://code.google.com/p/jopenid/