
python module to parse most common apache log pattern

Primary LanguagePython

What's this?
This module is intent to parse the most common log pattern 
for apache, nginx, etc.

Here we got two implementations:
1) use regex to parse the log, which is elegent, but slow
2) use string split to parse the log, which is way faster then 1)

How to use it?
To parse a line of log, do:

parse(' - - [03/Jan/2012:00:00:02 +0800] ' +
      '"GET /some/url/on/your/site HTTP/1.1" ' +
      '200 5876 "-" ' +
      '"User agent like Mozilla chrome or even spider(+http://www.spider.com/docs/help/webmasters.htm#07)"'))')
fast_parse(' - - [03/Jan/2012:00:00:02 +0800] ' +
      '"GET /some/url/on/your/site HTTP/1.1" ' +
      '200 5876 "-" ' +
      '"User agent like Mozilla chrome or even spider(+http://www.spider.com/docs/help/webmasters.htm#07)"'))')

Thanks to
Inspired by https://github.com/watsonian/apache_log_parser
and kennethreitz's concept of 'python for human'.

Reach me at
LUO Sheng