Tutorials for Nim


Exercism exercises in Nim

Project Euler

Solving Project Euler math problems through Nim language (https://projecteuler.net)

Solving Project Euler problems (in a somewhat optimized manner) using the Nim programming language

Advent of code




My solutions for AoC 2017, using Nim, OCaml, and Python

My solutions for Advent of Code 2016 (python)

My solutions for Advent of Code 2015

Cookbooks / ready solutions

Nim basics


Nim By Examples

Nim Programming Cookbook http://nim-cookbook.btbytes.com/

Nim in Action code samples

Nim Programming Book (by Dr. Stefan Salewski)


Nim language tests

Nim solution to https://nextjournal.com/sdanisch/the-julia-challenge

Little snippets of interesting functionality in Nim programming language

Unsorted Nim code that I wrote for some reason (largely Rosetta Code)

Examples in NIM repo

NIM Wiki

Nim Documentation Overview


Tutorial (part I) The Nim tutorial part one deals with the basics.

Tutorial (part II) The Nim tutorial part two deals with the advanced language constructs.

Tutorial (part III) The Nim tutorial part three about Nim's macro system.

Language Manual The Nim manual is a draft that will evolve into a proper specification.

Library documentation This document describes Nim's standard library.

Compiler user guide The user guide lists command line arguments, special features of the compiler, etc.

Tools documentation Description of some tools that come with the standard distribution.

GC Additional documentation about Nim's GC and how to operate it in a realtime setting.

Source code filters The Nim compiler supports source code filters as a simple yet powerful builtin templating system.

Internal documentation The internal documentation describes how the compiler is implemented. Read this if you want to hack the compiler.

Index The generated index. Index + (Ctrl+F) == Joy

Performance sensitive code

Some guidelines / articles

OOP In Nim (multiple articles)

A guide to documenting, profiling and debugging Nim code (2017/10)

The Making of NimYAML (2016/09)

Metaprogramming and read- and maintainability in Nim

Tutorials / Intros