
Primary LanguagePython

This is the extracted features from our dataset and the code for .

Thare are three directories as following:


The data directory contains all the samples and the label.csv provides the labels of these samples.

The original data at the dataset was collected from two months, April 2017 and May 2017. We run these malware at Cuckoo server and then collected their runtime logs. Then we applied the proposed feature engineering method on these logs to get this published dataset.

The summary of the dataset as the following:

Benign Malicious Total
April 10160 15609 25769
May 20552 11465 32017
Total 30712 27074 57786

Each sample is stored as numpy format, you can load it by numpy.load('./data/201704_0.npy'). The shape of each sample is (LENGTH, 102), and the LENGTH is at most 1000. 102 is the dimension of each API call, please refer to our paper for more details.


This is the code of a feature engineering method.

Thare are two python scripts. The DMDS.py containes the core code of the feature engineering method. And the Cuckoo2DMDS.py implemented a multi-process function to call the DMDS.py.

Please refer to main function at each python script about how to run the code.


This is the deep learning model for our proposed approach, which is built within keras platform.

if you want to run the model, please unzip the dataset/dataset.zip, then you can run the model.py by using python.