- 2
- 0
How to prepare my own dataset?
#143 opened by JYW333 - 4
external score
#141 opened by nat890194 - 3
where logs
#140 opened by JYW333 - 2
- 2
How to do Multi-GPU training?
#138 opened by zjutangk - 0
question about train on my own datasets
#137 opened by junwei0812 - 3
how to view result?
#131 opened by ruiming46zrm - 2
A question about SimOTA relative code
#136 opened by ayiyayi - 3
#135 opened by XD-mu - 2
Error when trying my own dataset
#132 opened by darthandvader - 8
A question about Temporal Feature Resolution.
#134 opened by miaolin968 - 2
feature fusion
#133 opened by miaolin968 - 2
- 8
- 0
- 0
Modify parameters of tests
#128 opened by PeterJoe15 - 4
#126 opened by miaolin968 - 3
About nms config
#127 opened by ring-zl - 5
- 1
Can we apply actionformer to video streams?
#125 opened by zwfcrazy - 2
#124 opened by miaolin968 - 6
- 1
The two-stream I3D models pretrained on Kinetics
#123 opened by lianglili - 3
Obtaining short segments
#118 opened by EmreOzkose - 1
Can the feature stride be set to 1?
#122 opened by emptybird - 2
Regarding NMS
#121 opened by Moadab-AI - 2
Regarding the category settings in my own dataset
#120 opened by neauniko - 2
Some Confusion about annotation
#119 opened by ddz16 - 2
Slowfast pre-trained model on Epic-kitchen
#116 opened by EmreOzkose - 2
我是个新手 请问代码中的points是做什么用的
#115 opened by desti-nation - 1
Difficulty in parallelizing MSAs on GPUs
#111 opened by Jaswar - 3
#Class Num or #Class Num + 1
#113 opened by ddz16 - 2
About Multi Head Conv Attention
#112 opened by ddz16 - 5
May I ask why there is warn: "No predictions of label '16' were provdied".
#105 opened by ClancyAyres - 2
warm up
#108 opened by bcc2974874275 - 2
max_seq_len during inference
#109 opened by Jaswar - 3
Missing video in THUMOS14 I3D features
#107 opened by Jaswar - 5
question about input i3D features
#106 opened by BigBuffa1o - 2
EMA model not working
#103 opened by Caspeerrr - 5
- 3
#104 opened by dmmSJTU - 4
Possible to get rid off regression head?
#100 opened by bhosalems - 1
- 2
Inference on single video
#98 opened by kkk-g-y - 7
Including SlowFast in LocPointTransformer
#94 opened by SimoLoca - 2
- 1
Can we run evaluate script on multiple GPUS?
#96 opened by bhosalems - 2
Why replace the predicted labels?
#95 opened by bhosalems - 1
Visualization appendix D
#93 opened by Caspeerrr