
Sequence file uploader for IRIDA

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

QI IRIDA Uploader

This is a fork of phac-nml/irida-uploader . I have added some extra parsers that cater to my specific needs.

Build Status

Documentation Status

Download / Installation

Installation instructions can be found in our documentation.


Creating the Windows installer from source code

A new windows installer can be built on linux, so first see the installation instructions for installing on linux in our documentation.

You will also need nsis installed to create the windows installer.

$ sudo apt install nsis

Then run the command:

$ make windows

This will create a new installer in the folder build/nsis/ with a name similar to IRIDA_Uploader_1.0.exe

Running Tests

Unit tests

Running the unittests can be done with the command:

$ make unittest

IRIDA Integration

To run integration tests your will need some additional software.

$ sudo apt install xvfb

You will also need to download and install chromedriver http://chromedriver.chromium.org/downloads

You will need to allow the IRIDA instance to the mysql database needed for the tests

$ mysql -e "CREATE USER 'test'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'test'; GRANT ALL ON irida_uploader_test.* to 'test'@'localhost';"

Running the IRIDA integration tests can be done with the command:

$ make integrationtests

Tests will be logged to ~/.cache/irida_uploader_test/log/irida-uploader.log

You can verify PEP8 conformity by running:

$ ./scripts/verifyPEP8.sh

Note: No output is produced (other than pip-related output) if the PEP8 verification succeeds.


You can ReadTheDocs here.

Alternatively, documentation is built locally using mkdocs.

It can be built with the command:

$ make docs

Or you can install mkdocs to your system:

$ sudo apt install mkdocs
$ mkdocs build

HTML docs will be generated to site/ for local browsing