
Collects JS errors and make them available from WebDriver

Primary LanguageC#


(Note: This is .NET port of the [JSErrorCollector project by mguillem] JSErrorCollectorOriginal)

This project allows to capture JavaScript errors while running tests with WebDriver. Ideally this feature should be built-in WebDriver but it is not (yet?) the case (see WebDriver issue [API for checking for JavaScript errors on the page] 1 for details). Other information concerning JavaScript error capturing with WebDriver is available in this [blog post] 3.


  • Provide access to JavaScript errors while running tests with Selenium and the FirefoxDriver (in .NET)

Download and Install

This is available on NuGet. Use the Package Manager Console in Visual Studio to install it:

Install-Package JSErrorCollector

Usage with Selenium in .NET

FirefoxProfile ffProfile = new FirefoxProfile();
using (IWebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver(ffProfile))

	List<JavaScriptError> jsErrors = JavaScriptError.ReadErrors(driver);
	// Assert that the expected JavaScript errors were returned.

For Other Platforms

If you're using Java, please see the original [JSErrorCollector project] JSErrorCollectorOriginal. Otherwise, the Firefox extension (the .xpi file) can be used from any language having a WebDriver binding. Here is an example about [how it can be used in Ruby from Cucumber + Capybara] 4.

JSErrorCollector.NET is licensed under the terms of the [Apache License 2] 6.