
Data and SQL course assignment - April-May 2024

The project is an essential part of this course. In order to ‘graduate’ and get a certificate of completion you need to create, deliver and present your own database project. Your project should reflect all major learning outcomes from the course modules. There are ‘must have’ core requirements, that need to be achieved as a minimum deliverable.


  • Create relational DB of your choice with minimum 5 tables
  • Set Primary and Foreign Key constraints to create relations between the tables
  • Using any type of the joins create a view that combines multiple tables in a logical way
  • In your database, create a stored function that can be applied to a query in your DB
  • Prepare an example query with a subquery to demonstrate how to extract data from your DB for analysis
  • Create DB diagram where all table relations are shown


In addition to the core requirements you need to include any 2-3 requirements from the advanced options list. (Optionally, you can include more or all of the advanced options, the ‘extras’ are entirely up to you. Although they do provide a very good learning ground).
Everything outlined in the core and advanced lists have been covered in this course. You can vary your level of the project complexity by tuning the amount of stored objects, analytical filters and function, as well as amount of tables and their relations in the database.

  • In your database, create a stored procedure and demonstrate how it runs
  • In your database, create a trigger and demonstrate how it runs
  • In your database, create an event and demonstrate how it runs
  • Create a view that uses at least 3-4 base tables; prepare and demonstrate a query that uses the view to produce a logically arranged result set for analysis.
  • Prepare an example query with group by and having to demonstrate how to extract data from your DB for analysis