
Create, sign and submit a Cardano transaction

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Cardano transaction signer

This program can create a signed Cardano transaction using the cardano-serialization-lib. The signed, serialized transaction can be saved to the filesystem, or submitted to the blockchain using Blockfrost. Transaction fees are automatically calculated and optional metadata can be added to the transaction.


Clone the repository and and enter the signer directory. Make sure NodeJS is installed on your system and run npm i to install dependencies.

Use cardano-cli to create the private key, public key and wallet address. Paste the values into the signer.js configuration section.

⚠️ Keep your private key private and take measures to avoid your private key from being stolen! There are risks involved such as losing all of your funds when keeping an unencrypted private key on an (online) system!

  1. cardano-cli address key-gen --verification-key-file payment.vkey --signing-key-file payment.skey
  2. Open payment.skey (your private key) and copy the value from the cborHex field.
  3. Open signer.js and paste the private key between the apostrophs after senderPrivateKey, then delete the first four digits (5820).

Creating a stake address is optional. If you don't want a stake address, then skip steps 4 and 6 and remove --stake-verification-key-file stake.vkey from step 5.

  1. cardano-cli stake-address key-gen --verification-key-file stake.vkey --signing-key-file stake.skey
  2. cardano-cli address build --payment-verification-key-file payment.vkey --stake-verification-key-file stake.vkey --out-file payment.addr --mainnet
  3. cardano-cli stake-address build --stake-verification-key-file stake.vkey --out-file stake.addr --mainnet
  4. Copy the content from payment.addr and paste it between the apostrophs after senderAddress in signer.js.
  5. Enter the Blockfrost details in blockfrostProjectId and blockfrostNetwork in signer.js. This is also needed if you don't want to submit your transaction to Blockfrost.


Amounts need to be entered in Lovelace. For example: to create and submit a transaction that sends 5 ADA to HAPPY Staking Pool 🥳, enter:

node signer.js -r addr1q8y586dw03ae7g6eknsm49pmngjuy2d64lkmsx6pj994sv56hvet7y3x27f76j6e2gz9rq42k992mqz8s39mrl7ndafqkdgxqw -l 5000000 --submit

Enter node signer.js -h for more help on running the program.


If you find this program useful, please consider delegating to ticker HAPPY, or make a donation.