Toxiclibsjs is a library for computational design tasks with JavaScript. This library is a port of http://toxiclibs.org for java and processing.
- andrehjrFlorianópolis, Imbituba - SC - Brazil
- atomlessWest Dorset, UK
- brsmahttp://www.linkedin.com/in/brsma
- cagedScaleRotate
- cameronyuleUnited Kingdom
- carlosrodriguezPwC Digital
- davelesterGoogle
- enjalotLatent Interfaces
- ericieDouglas, Michigan
- ewheeler
- eyecat
- fdb@nodebox
- hemslondon, uk
- inkdeepzerokno
- jalbertbowdenweb platform
- jnslxndr@somesmallstudio
- LaurianCreative Technologist ※ Knight-Mozilla OpenNews Fellow ※ Visual analytics × Computational Linguistics × Semantic Web
- leeoniyaL6 @grafana
- leto@MyHush and stuff
- lonnen@mozilla
- MasatoshiKaizu Denki Co.,Ltd.
- mjwbar-coded
- muffinista
- neomorphicAshburn,VA
- pvalentim@studio-206
- RandomEtc@rewiringamerica
- rbreveFinland
- rogierAmsterdam
- Saqoosha@Whatever-Co
- timClicks@rust-in-action
- tokumine@tokumin
- triptycheBay
- vlandhamSeattle, WA
- walkandreSan Francisco, CA
- wiederkehrInteractive Things
- yuisekiYuiseki Inc.