
SSH Connection Menu for PowerShell to be used in Windows Terminal

Primary LanguagePowerShell

How to use

  • Copy ssh-connections.ps1 and ssh-connections.xml files from the src folder locally. Rename files as desired - ps1 and xml files should have same base nane.
  • Modify configuration xml file, populate connection according to the normal samples present in the file.

Password protected keys

It's possible to automate login process for the password-protected keys:

  • build helper app src/ask-password-helper/pass.cs by executing src/pass.cs/build.ps1. If Fraamework path is incorrect, please adjust to proper one.
  • move resulting pass.exe file to some trusted place for apps
  • set SSH_ASKPASS variabme in configuration xml, first sample, to the full path of the pass.exe
  • configure the connection according to the first samle in xml

Integrate with Windows Terminal

  • Open Setting
  • Open JSON File
  • navigate to profiles\list
  • add entry:
                "commandline": "powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -NoProfile -File ssh-connections.ps1",
                "guid": "{random guid}",
                "hidden": false,
                "name": "My SSH Connections List"

New guid could be generate by PowerShell command: New-Guid