
Docker Build tools for Drill

Primary LanguageShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Generic Java Github Fork project builder

Build tools for project on top of docker

Installation steps:

  • Setup mongo server and prepare image with storage utility (https://github.com/hapylestat/storage)

  • Downlod repo, rename amsh_settigns.sample to .amsh_settigns

  • Change such settings inside file: BRANCH, USER, KEY, MONGODB_URL, M2_CACHE_PATH, DOCKER

  • USER and KEY - is a username and password for GitHub account, where KEY could be an special token, generated for application-only use If you wish to use key file instead and ssh access to github, put you private key to file build_container\keys\github_custom and uncomment respective line in build_container\Dockerfile

  • M2_CACHE_PATH is a patch, where your maven cache would be stored outside of the container

  • BRANCH, STACK_BRANCH name of branches, which would be checkout on command shell launch

  • MONGODB_URL url for working mongodb, if shared storage supposed to be used. Check mongo folder for the details

  • DOCKER - is an array of docker hosts, where this shell would running

##Building image docker build -t project-env build_container

##MongoDB This is document-oriented database. Via gridFS it could store binary files and could be used as tool in scripts, to distribute them across containers without any installed ssh/ftp on the host. All configuration for the server can be founded here: mongo/server.

##How to work with the shell When running, shell exposing bash functions as commands, which could be running. For the full available list type inside shell help, or sandbox/lib/shell-functions for details. In same manner new functions could be written.

##How to run shell For windows could be created shortcut like: Target: %SystemRoot%\system32\bash.exe -i amsh /mnt/e/git/project_stuff/project Start In: E:\git\project_stuff_project_docker