A collection of quickstart samples demonstrating the Firebase APIs using the Javascript SDK. For more information, see firebase.google.com/docs/web/setup.
Samples are organized into the following subdirectories and include README.md files with instructions for getting started:
- Auth
- Anonymous Auth
- Custom Auth
- Email and Password auth
- Email Link auth
- Phone Auth using a visible ReCaptcha
- Phone Auth using an invisible ReCaptcha
- Phone Auth using popup
- Google Auth in a Chrome Extension
- Facebook auth using Facebook login button
- Facebook auth using Firebase popup
- Facebook auth using Firebase redirect
- Google auth using Google sign-in button
- Google auth using Firebase popup
- Google auth using Firebase redirect
- Twitter auth using Firebase popup
- Twitter auth using Firebase redirect
- Microsoft auth using Firebase popup
- Microsoft auth using Firebase redirect
- GitHub auth using Firebase popup
- GitHub auth using Firebase redirect
- Multi-factor authentication with SMS(currently only available for Google Cloud Identity Platform projects)
- Database
- Simple Social Blogging app
- Firestore
- Simple Rating App
- Functions
- Send requests to a Functions server-side instance and get back results.
- Storage
- Upload a file to Firebase Storage and display its URL
- Messaging
- Send notifications
Please read and follow the steps in the CONTRIBUTING.md