Installs NSclient++ on target hosts. The installation is designed so that the local nsclient.ini does not contain any parameters, but rather points to a central config file. The central config file is hosted on a file share in the network. All changes to this config file will affect all the nsclient installations
The file server that will store the central config and scripts must be placed in a group named 'nsclient_fileserver' The nagios server must be placed in a group named 'monitoring_servers'
Variables that must be defined:
- nsclient_central_config_path Where is the centrally hosted nsclient.ini located on the file server (do not include file name in path)
- nsclient_port What port is to be used for the nsclient web server
- nsclient_user What user to connect to the folder with centrally hosted config and scripts
- nsclient_password Password for the above mentioned user
- nsclient_scripts_unc_path UNC path to the central config (not including the file name)
- nsclient_query_password Password that nagios will use when querying nsclient
Including an example of how to use your role (for instance, with variables passed in as parameters) is always nice for users too:
- hosts: servers
- { role: username.rolename, x: 42 }