- 8ar10derEricsson
- agebhar1BMW Group
- BathtorDatabricks
- cloutiertylerJohns Hopkins University
- geekpraddIndia
- GGmorelloKTH Royal Institute of Technology
- haraldngKTH Royal Institute of Technology
- iamazywx: 饮马河洛
- isgasho
- jeffreyleanGrab
- jimdowlingHopsworks
- JonathanArnsStockholm
- LetuvertiaNational Taiwan University
- lmatz
- lqhuangNomad
- Max-MeldrumPolygon
- menegazzi
- MrCroxx@risingwavelabs
- nssaliandbt labs
- pidb
- punkeelMunich, Germany
- richoxKuaishou
- ryanworl
- s1ckLeipzig, Germany
- SandalotsVolcanak
- segeljaktKTH Royal Institute of Technology
- senorcarboneKTH, RISE
- sidloBudapest
- soniahorchidanData Systems Lab @KTH University
- tx991020beijing china
- VeeupupChina
- WkkkkkEyevinn
- wxing2008666China,HK
- zzheng2020KTH Royal Institute of Technology