
A simple component for wrapping your React app with translation.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

React Localizeit

Build Status npm version

See in production here.

A simple component for translating your react-app. Once you wrap your views inside the LocalWrapper the translations will be available to rest of your components.

It is tiny package without dependencies.


Make sure that you are using React 16.x

$ npm install react-localizeit --save


First of all upon installing the package you have to import inside the file where your parent component is defined. You should be wrapping everything that's going to be rendered inside .

To import it simply pull the LocalWrapper.

ìmport { LocalWrapper } from 'react-localizeit'

We have to pass an object of language data to props as data.

We have to pass an object of language data to props as data. If we are using a data set that consists of a few languages we can use the object shorthand.

I prefer to keep my language files inside a folder called locales but you can name it as you like.

import en from '/path/locales/en';
import es from '/path/locales/es';
import tr from '/path/locales/tr';
const data = {en , tr , es};
 const Component = ({data}) => (
                 wrapper={({ lit,setLang }) => (
                 // all elements are passed as children of the wrapper.
                      <button onClick={() => setLang('tr')}></button>


React-localizait comes with the following props

Name required description
data true You should pass your data set.
setLang false For toggling the current language.
lit false Translate a string.
selectedLanguage false Get the current language being used.
wrapper true renders the elements as its children along with the props



Node.js >= v4 must be installed.


  • Running npm install in the component's root directory will install everything you need for development.

Demo Development Server

  • npm start will run a development server with the component's demo app at http://localhost:3000 with hot module reloading.

Running Tests

  • npm test will run the tests once.


  • npm run build will build the component for publishing to npm and also bundle the demo app.

  • npm run clean will delete built resources.


  • Create a simple reusable component
