
Welcome to Aja n Sare Game. This game is inspired by the events that are taking place throughout the world. You will be a doctor trying to kill the virus. This was built with Phaser and Javascript.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Suriva Noroc RPG

Aja n Sare Game

Built with JavaScript using the Phaser 3 Library

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Table of Contents

About The Project

Welcome to Aja n Sare Game. This game is inspired by the events that are taking place throughout the world. You will be a doctor trying to kill virus.

This game has many waves, try to get the highest score to beat the virus!

Hint: Don't waste the Mushrooms!

How to play


  • (A) letter A => Move left
  • (D) letter D => Move right
  • (W) letter W => Move up
  • (S) letter S => Move down
  • (Space) SpaceBar => Shoot

Live Link

Click here


To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.


Have a browser installed


Clone this repo with git@github.com:haraphat01/javascript.git

Usage - Follow these

  1. cd into the project directory
  2. run npm install
  3. Navigate to localhost:8000 in your browser.
  4. Enjoy the game

Built With

  • JavaScript (ES6)
  • Phaser 3
  • Webpack
  • Eslint
  • Stylelint
  • Jest for testing
  • Tiled to create the map

Game Design

This game has 3 main images that bring it to life:

  1. The doctor:

Suriva Noroc doctor

  1. The map created in Tiled (A beautiful waterfall and lava area with healing mushrooms 😃):

Suriva Noroc map

  1. The Aja n Sare Virus:

Suriva Noroc virus

Game Play

You are a doctor in a weird world where lava and waterfalls exist together in close proximity. There has been an outbreak of a virus, your task is to make sure you kill the enemy or you get killed by the enemy. Your survival is a must here.


This game has 1 object - Kill as much virus as possible. Initially, there will be a few infections but as you get more proficient in killing Suriva, more will come!

Try to get to the highest wave possible and remember that there is a limited supply of special Mushrooms!

Don't forget to post your score to the global leaderboard.


👤 Arafat Akata

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📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.