
Ansible, Vagrant, Virtualbox, AWS, automation etc.

Primary LanguageShell


All files are copyright their respective owners. My devops files are free to use provided you say thanks.

Each directory has it's own Readme with additional details.

  • centos/ - CentOS 6.5 setup scripts
  • vagrant/ - Vagrant Boxes
    • Install my default custom Vagrant Boxes
    • SSH setup for Vagrant
  • vagrant_sample/
    • A sample setup of Vagrant and Ansible to setup a CentOS 6.5 and Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
  • ansible/
    • Installer script fo Mac OS X and Linux/CentOS
    • Ansible playbook with reuseable roles for centos, nodejs, httpd, mongodb, mysql, redis, memcached, git etc.
    • Contains a test Vagrant setup for testing. Simply run vagrant up in the directory.
  • automation/
    • PhantomJS based UI automation framework.
  • chromebook/
    • Chromebook Ubuntu install notes based on Crouton.
    • MySQL, Apache2, Mongodb installer script.