Border Pass Assessment

This is my Border Pass assessment project. The project was built with the following tech:


  • React
  • TypeScript
  • React Test Library
  • Cypress
  • Apollo Client

GraphQL Gateway

  • GraphQL
  • TypeScript


  • NestJS
  • TypeScript
  • Postgres
  • Prisma ORM

Steps to start project

  1. Clone project onto local machine
  2. Move into server directory (cd server)
  3. Run npm install && npm run start:dev
  4. Server should run on PORT 8080
  5. Move into the graphql-gateway (cd .. && cd graphql-gateway)
  6. Run npm install && npm run start:dev
  7. Server should run on PORT 4000
  8. Move into the graphql-gateway (cd .. && cd client)
  9. Run npm install && npm run start
  10. Server should run on PORT 3000