curl | sh
F2 bring up nerdtree file browser
F3 toggle spell checking
F4 toggle highlighting of trailing whitespace
F5 strip all trailing whitespaces
<c-p> bring up fuzzy file search
<Leader> + l toggle display of tabs and end-of-lines as characters
<S-h> cycle through tabs
:%!xxd switch on hex mode
:%!xxd -r exit from hex mode
å ergonomic alternative for <ESC>
:DiffOrig diff file on disk and current buffer
\\\ toggle commenting out lines of code
<c-_> auto-close nearest command in LaTeX
Adding a new submodule (plugin)
To add a submodule use the following command replacing and with the appropriate values:
git submodule add <URL> bundle/<NAME>
Removing a submodule (plugin)
git submodule deinit bundle/<NAME>
git rm bundle/<NAME>