
Docker Workshop

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

harbur.io Docker Workshop

The Workshop is separated in three sections:


  • Install Docker
  • Clone this repo: git clone https://github.com/harbur/docker-workshop (Some code examples require files located here)
  • Warm-up the images:
docker pull alpine:3.3
docker pull nginx:1.8-alpine
docker pull redis:alpine
docker pull mhart/alpine-node:latest


  • During workshop the following ports are used: 80, 8088 and the range 4000-4010. If they are not available on your machine, adjust the CLI commands accordingly.


Members online on Docker Barcelona Slack

Join Docker Barcelona Slack!

Docker Cheat Sheet:

We've wrote a page with some useful docker commands: Harbur's docker-cheat-sheet.


This workshop was prepared by harbur.io, under MIT License. Feel free to fork and improve.