Getting set up for local development

These steps get you a working PartySense server on your development machine.

  • Make sure you have a recent install of Python 2.7 (which includes pip)
  • Install virtualenv: sudo pip install virtualenv virtualenvwrapper
  • Create a ps virtualenv virtualenv ~/VENVHOME/ps
  • Clone the repository (Use develop branch for beta site): git clone git checkout develop
  • Activate the virtual env (in the partysense folder): source ~VENVHOME/ps/bin/activate
  • Install the project's python dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Rename to The local settings will be used for local testing and may be customized.
  • Next, use to create the local database: python syncdb
  • Migrate/Evolve the database tables: python migrate

Running the project locally

  • python runserver

  • You should now be able to see the partysense website at http://localhost:8000

  • If you need to login with Facebook, you will need to add to /etc/hosts file and visit in your browser instead. Note: The hosts file in windows can be found at C:\\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts

  • If you want to revert to viewing the live web version of the PartySense web app, you will need to comment the line added to hosts

  • Installing PostgreSQL

    docker run -p 5432:5432 --name psdb -d postgres

Server Deployment

Use these steps for deploying code on Hosted Server (tested locally version first)

SSH into, should have ssh keys setup.

Beta Server

The beta server has its own database pstest and is using the system version of python instead of virtualenv. is forwarded to port 30747. So run with django's debug server:

python2.7 runserver 30747

Or run with apache.

Enable virtualenv

workon pslive

cd webapps/partysense/partysense

version control update

git pull

Or equivalently:

git fetch
git merge origin/master

Update static files

cd PartySenseWebFrontend
python2.7 collectstatic

If there were any schema changes

Read the south section!

Trigger apache


Switch back to using system python


It is possible to make changes on the server, but by default the SSH key is configured for read only communication with bitbucket. So to push changes on master from the server to bitbucket you would have to use your bitbucket user account.


The site is currently hosted on webfaction. The database is postgres, also hosted on webfaction, phpPgAdmin is a front end that can be used to access the raw database.

The database password can be found in the file.

Server Technology

The server is split into three parts:

Static Server

The heavy hitting apache serves all static files, this includes javascript, images, custom css, and html fragments (templates).

The static server's contents are updated with:

python2.7 collectstatic


The Python web development framework Django is our dynamic server. It is the interface to our database. It encodes all the business logic of authentication, creating and editing events, voting on setlists etc.


memcached works as a (fast) map of some unique ID -> content. For example on the event page, the following caches all the track information:

{% cache 600 eventdata %}

Memcached itself is started with:

memcached -d -m 64 -s $HOME/memcached.sock -P $HOME/

To stop memchached use:

kill $(cat $HOME/


Most of the smarts of the website are client side. For instance our database only keeps small amounts of data about particular Tracks, the client requests further information from both Spotify and To achieve this our javascript stack includes:

  • AngularJS
  • Bootstrap3
  • JQuery

We also load Google Maps, Google Places, and D3 when required.

Testing Procedure

As a minimum before pushing a change run the site locally with:

python runserver

And make sure you can see the main page, the profile page and the event page.

On the event page make sure you can search for tracks, add a track, and vote on a track. Create a new event - it doesn't take too long.

Python dependencies are all listed in requirements.txt. All the javascript dependencies are in the static/lib folder.


django 1.5.4 and python 2.7.


v1 tastypie api

Used to list club details, locations and users.

Tastypie tutorial

Old event api

This api is used by the website, so these commands are pretty well tested:

Get an Event's Setlist

/api/{event id}/get-track-list

No authentication required.

For example the URL will return all the tracks as JSON for event 2.

[{"spotifyTrackID": "spotify:track:1mwt9hzaH7idmC5UCoOUkz", "upVotes": 4, "name": "Diamonds", "removable": false, "artist": "Rihanna", "pk": 20, "downVotes": 0, "usersVote": null}, {"spotifyTrackID": "spotify:track:3bbUkaQYGQHkx1TJi7gPSL", "upVotes": 4, "name": "Kryptonite", "removable": false, "artist": "3 Doors Down", "pk": 8, "downVotes": 0, "usersVote": null}, {"spotifyTrackID": "spotify:track:45T1EKlWGKFfiE0iIVfb04", "upVotes": 6, "name": "Thunderstruck", "removable": false, "artist": "AC/DC Tribute Band", "pk": 3, "downVotes": 2, "usersVote": null}, ...

Adding a track to an event's Setlist

POST to the url /api/{event}/modify/:

    "name":"American Idiot",
    "artist":"Green Day",

This api call requires the user to be logged in. This request will add the user to the event if they don't already belong. This will automatically add an up vote from the user.

Vote on track

POST {vote:false} or {vote:true} to the URL:


This api call requires the user to be logged in. This request will add the user to the event if they don't already belong.

Remove track from event

As a logged in user POST to the URL:


The track will be removed if the user is the DJ for that event, or (TODO) if there were no up votes.

Amazon Product Query

To get an amazon product URL

GET {artist: "", track: ""} to

Response will be a JSON object containing:

'ASIN', 'URL', 'image', 'price'



I've set up the server to use virtualenv based of this blog.

Database Migrations

Django includes a database migration tool that we use to deal with changing schemas.

When the database schema changes (add or remove fields or new models etc) make a migration for the appropriate app (event/music/dj/psauth etc):

./ makemigration event

This will create a migration in event/migrations/0002_auto__description. Look at the generated code and write forwards and backwards migrations.

To apply all migrations run:

./ migrate

Note Django 1.7 comes with its own schema migration tool based on South so if/when we upgrade django we should be careful to document the changes for this tool.

Amazon API

The server contains a ~/.amazon-product-api file with the following credentials:

secret_key = 0WggU25pYldmOrtRpy8nB43fkhk6qCBRn98qMw9Z
associate_tag = 6404-2547-9415

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