The Github API experiment with React Native

It's a simple Experiment with Github API and React Native iOS App.

It's Features are-

  • Github Login
  • You can watch the developers you follow
  • Search for various repositories
  • Attempts to call a native Objective-C function inside your React-Native code



Simply clone or download the zip of the project,

Using with Node.js via npm:

Command Line:

npm install

Open the .xcodeproj file with Xcode

Command Line:

cd ios/
open GithubBrowser.xcodeproj/

Run the Build using Xcode to run the code into a simulator or a device.

  • If you plan to debug it into your device, Do not forget to edit The AppDelegate.m file, and change the localhost address to your inet address. For more info, Please Read Running on a device

  • Bridge Explanation Pulse Article