
This repo consists of all the codes for some basic sensors which can be used using Aurdino Uno.

-> The code for each sensor is given with its respective name. Use the comments given for better understanding of each command.

-> For the schematic diagram for the projects, use the pin data from the code to make connections between the arduino and the other sensors. You can update the pins according to your choice while interfacing the sensors.

-> The sensors, motors, drivers, displays and other components interfaced in these projects are:

  1. Accelerometer ADXL345
  2. Servo motor SG90
  3. LCD 16x2
  4. Ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04
  5. RFID reader/writer RC522
  6. Gas sensors MQ2, MQ9 and MQ135
  7. DC geared motors 12V 150rpm
  8. LEDs
  9. Sound sensor RKI-3103
  10. PIR motion sensor HC-SR501
  11. DHT11 temperature-humidity sensor
  12. L293D and L298N motor drivers
  13. 100k potentiometers