
This is an implementation of double linked list data structure in java for photo gallery where photos are connected to each other through the nodes where you can add, browse, delete and zoom the photos. Here photos acts as nodes in double linked list.


Here, java swing is used for frontend where photos are displayed from the Gallery. The path of the photos are stored in database phpmyadmin (MySQL database) and to connect MYSQL with JAVA we use JDBC Driver. Hence following are the dependencies:

  • Java SE 11

  • MYSQL Database (phpmyadmin)

  • JDBC

How to use ?

  1. Install all the dependencies given above.

  2. In the your MYSQL set your username as "root" and password as " ".

  3. Download practise1_sem3.sql which contains 1 one table named "gallery".

  4. Download mysql-connector-java-5.1.11-bin.jar and add to the libraries of your project.

  5. You are all set to run the project


Given below is the GUI screen of photo gallery in Java Swing. Capture
