The Sort Package contains the following Alogorithms:
- Insertion Sort (Normally and with Recurscion)
- Use
for normal insertion sort - User
for recursive Insertion Sort
- Use
- Merge Sort (Normally and to do so without changing the original value
- Use
to sort the passed array - Use
to recieve a sorted array
- Use
- A Simple Selection Sort
- Use
- Use
The Find Package contains the following Algorithms:
- Binary Search (Normally and with recursion)
For Normal, Use:
BinarySearch binarySearch = new BinarySearch(arr,value); // value is optional and can be passed during function call int index = binarySearch.index(value) // No need to pass value if already set, if not set and and not passed, default is 0
For Recursive, Use:,value);
The PathFinder Package contains the following Algorithm:
- If you have the adjacency matrix of a graph:
Dijkstra dijkstra = DijkStra.getInstance(graph);
- If you wanted a randomly generated graph:
Dijkstra dijkstra = DijkStra.getInstance(int nodes, int maxLength); // arguements are optional, will be replaced by default values if not passed
- If you want to create your own graph:
Dijkstra dijkstra = DijkStra.getInstance(true); // asks for size later // or Dijkstra dijkstra = Dijkstra.getInstance(true,n); // n is the size
Dijkstra.ShortestPath shortestPath = dijkstra.computeFor(sourceNode); // ShortestPath is an inner class // Now you can call various methods of ShortestPath shortestPath.print(); // prints an overview of the solution shortestPath.getDistance(node); // returns distance from specified node to source node shortestPath.getPath(node); // returns a List containing the path from the source to the specified node (excluding the node) shortestPath.getPaths(); // returns an array of Lists each containing the path from source to the index's node shortestPath.getMap(); // returns an Array containing the shortest distances of each node from the source
The Problems Package contains Famous Problems like:
- Knapsack which solves the Knapsack Problem using the Dynamic Programming Tabular method
- Use
where n is the number of items
- Use
- TravellingSalesPerson which solves the TravellingSalesPerson Problem using dynamic programming recursion method
- Use:
TravellingSalesPerson.Route shortestRoute = TravellingSalesPerson.getShortestRoute(int[][] graph); // To get distance and path shortestRoute.getDist(); // Fetches the distance shortestRoute.getPath(); // Gets the path (excluding the source) System.out.println(shortestRoute); // Prints the distance and the route // or int distance = TravellingSalesPerson.getShortestPathDistance(int[][] graph); // returns the distance
The Utils Package contains Utility classes like:
ArrayGen to generate a random Array
- Use
ArrayGen.generate(length, maxValue, sorted)
where sorted is a boolean value
- Use
GraphGen to generate a graph
- Use
GraphGen.getRandomGraph(size, maxLength);
to get a Random Unweighted Non-Directional Graph - Use
to get a Custom Unweighted Non-Directional Graph - Use
for Random Unweighted Directional Graph - Use
for Custom Unweighted Directional Graph - Use
for Random Weighted Non-Directional Graph - Use
for Custom Weighted Non-Directional Graph - Use
- go figure - Use
- go figure
- Use
and a few miscellanous classes
Various new Algorithms have been added but README is not updated, will update soon
More to come