Multiple Open-API groups: Spring boot

POC showing how to divide endpoint(s) among different Open-API screens


  1. Put the below dependency in pom.xml
  1. Put the below mentioned property in the file
  1. Divide the controller endpoint(s) of each group in a distinct base package
- com.behl.controller.nsfw
  - put endpoint(s) that belong in 'nsfw' group here
- com.behl.controller.sfw
  - put endpoint(s) that belong in 'sfw' group here
  1. Define Bean of type GroupedOpenApi for each group and specify the package to scan
public GroupedOpenApi nsfwOpenApi() {
	String packagesToscan[] = { "com.behl.agares.controller.nsfw" };
	return GroupedOpenApi.builder().group("nsfw")
  1. (Optional) To customize the Open-API defintion including info, contact, security etc implement OpenApiCustomiser interface and override customize() containing your custom configurations
public class NsfwOpenApiCustomizer implements OpenApiCustomiser {

	public void customise(final OpenAPI openApi) {
		final var info = new Info().title("Not Safe For Work Joke API").version("1.0")
				.description("Endpoint(s) to expose to mature audience")
				.contact(new Contact().email("").name("Hardik Singh Behl")


Pass the class implementing OpenApiCustomizer in the .addOpenApiCustomiser(OpenApiCustomizer) method in the earlier created GroupedOpenApi Bean

public GroupedOpenApi sfwOpenApi() {
	String packagesToscan[] = { "com.behl.agares.controller.sfw" };
	return GroupedOpenApi.builder().group("sfw").addOpenApiCustomiser(nsfwOpenApiCustomizer)
  1. Access the swagger-ui at the below URI containing multiple configured definition/groups