
Personal Finance Management System using Java Spring Boot and PostgreSQL

Primary LanguageJava


Personal Finance Management System

Submission project for Technohack Hackathon 2021 under the Spoon theme Personal Finance Management System.

Tech Stack Used

  • Java 15
  • Spring Boot
  • Spring Security (JWT Based Authentication and Authorization)
  • Spring Data JPA/Hibernate
  • PostgreSQL
  • Open-API (Swagger-UI)
  • Lombok
  • Figma


SQL Migration Scripts can be viewed at src/main/resources/db/migration
Read in detail about entities used in ENTITIES.md in project root.

ER Diagram of Database Entities

Security Flow

  • On Successful validation of login credentials, a JWT will be returned representing the user (decode the below sample JWT on jwt.io for reference)
  • The received JWT should be included in the headers when calling a protected API
  • Authentication Bearer format to be used (Header key should be 'Authentication' and value should start with Bearer followed with a single blank space and recieved JWT)
Authentication : Bearer <JWT>

Main Features

  • User's are able to register themselves with the application (register/login/update-details/change-password)
  • User's are able to manage and track their balance across different modes
  • User's are able to track their current expenses/gains.
  • User's are able to track their upcoming (future) expenses/gains.
  • User's are able to set financial goals and track their completion.
  • User's are able to set a monthy spending threshold and can track it through the month. (calculated automatically at month end using Spring scheduler and cron expressions)
  • User's are able to create financial notes for their reference.
  • User's are able to assign tags to their expenses/gains tickets or notes for future reference and quering

Setup Locally Without Docker

  • Install Java 15
  • Install Maven
  • Install PostgreSQL

Recommended way is to use sdkman for installing both maven and java

Create postgres user (superuser) with name and password as plutocracy


Create Database with name 'plutocracy' and assign the above created user to the database with preferable CLI or GUI tool

create database plutocracy;
grant all privileges on database plutocracy to plutocracy;

Run the below commands in the core

mvn clean
mvn install

Execute any of the two commands below to run the application

java -jar target/url-shortner-h2-db-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
mvn spring-boot:run

The Default port is 9090 and base-url is set to /plutocracy (both can be changed in application.properties)

Go to the below URI to view Swagger-UI (API-docs)


Setup With Docker

  • Install Java 15
  • Install Maven

Recommended way is to use sdkman for installing both maven and java

Run mvn clean install in the core

mvn clean install

Run docker commands

sudo docker-compose build
sudo docker-compose up -d

Service port is 9090 and Postgres Port is 6432. They both can be changed in the docker-compose.yml file

To View Logs

docker-compose logs -f service

To stop the container run

sudo docker-compose stop

Go to the below URI to view Swagger-UI (API-docs)


Quick Guide To Use Swagger-UI

  • Click on API that you wish to hit by clicking the Try It Out button
  • Fill in the input if required as mentioned and click on execute
  • Some API's do not require the user to authenticate themselves before using it like account-registeration/account-login API's
  • In order to gain JWT required for authentication, execute the login API with valid credentials and paste the received JWT in repsonse in the Top Right section y clicking on Authorize and paste the JWT there to authorize
  • After successfully authorization, all protected API's can be executed the same way non-protected API's were being executed, the JWT will be automatically sent to the server inside headers following bearerAuth security flow.