
Application made with spring boot and thymeleaf as the templating engine, consuming OMDBs API to show movie details

Primary LanguageJava

Spring-boot:Thymeleaf application consuming OMDB API

Application Flow

  • User types in the movie title in /index page which sends a POST request to /result with the movie title as parameter
  • result controller recieves the movieTitle, sends an HTTP request through RestTemplate.class to OMDB Server
  • Response from OMDB is mapped to the defined DTOs in the project
  • The DTO is added as an attribute to the model and is processed by thymeleaf in result.html which is then returned as the view

ezgif com-gif-maker (2)

Local Setup

  • Requirements
    • Java 16
    • Maven
  • Generate OMDB API key HERE
  • Enter above recieved key in application.properties
  • Run the below commands in the core
    • mvn clean install
    • mvn spring-boot:run
  • Go to the below URI in any browser