
Gita GPT: Inspired by the Bhagavad Gita, this AI app helps you find hidden answers with a spiritual touch.

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What is GitaGPT?

GitaGPT is a cutting-edge AI language model developed by the team at Sahu4You. Our platform provides advanced natural language processing capabilities to help businesses, developers, and researchers unlock the full potential of AI technology.

With our advanced algorithms and intuitive interface, GitaGPT makes it easy to integrate powerful language capabilities into your applications and workflows.

How to Created

Whether you're looking to enhance your chatbot, automate document analysis, or develop innovative new AI applications, GitaGPT has you covered. Join the growing community of AI developers and users and discover the limitless possibilities of AI with GitaGPT."

This project provide Online Bhagvat Gita for you using AI. According to 18 chapters and 700 shlokas of Bhagavad Gita, which are the text of morality, strength, discipline and spirituality, so that friend Arjuna can be taken out of trouble.


How it works

This project uses the OpenAI GPT-3 API (specifically, text-davinci-003) and Vercel Edge functions with streaming. It constructs a prompt based on the form and user input, sends it to the GPT-3 API via a Vercel Edge function, then streams the response back to the application.

Video and blog post coming soon on how to build apps with OpenAI and Vercel Edge functions! ``