
Types of variables

Type Scale Example
Quanittative / numerical continous Continous Height of students in a class
Quantitave / numerical discrete Discrete Number of students in a class
Qualitative / categorically unordered Discrete Cat, Dog, Fish
Qualitative / categorically ordered Discrete good, fair, poor
Date or Time Discrete or Cont 25 Jan, 20 dec 2021
Text None or discrete 'My name is Hardik'

Different types of coordinate systems

  • Cartesian Coordinates

catrtesian coordinates

  • The traditional x and y coordinate system.
  • If X and Y are measured in same units, then they must have same spacing between ticks.

  • Non linear axis

Non linear transformation

  • We transform the value of a given axis, using functions like log, square root.
  • This is useful to suite the graph according to the story, or when the range of the values of quite large.
  • Also used to display the values which uses mulitplication or division in them.

  • Coordinate System with cureved axis

polar coordinates

Directory of Visualization

  • Amount

    amount_1 amount_2

  • Distributions

    dist_1 dist_2

  • Propotion

    prop_1 prop_2 prop3

  • X-Y Relationship

    xy1 xy2 xy3

  • Geopatial Data


  • Uncertainity

    un_1 un_2 un_3