
Project from Hackathon

Primary LanguagePython

Project Title

Idea Description

A Middleware/platform to serve data to Chatbot. - Parsing of Project Data - Translation of Project Data to a Database - Training the ChatBot from Database. - Query analyzer -> keywords based data analysis to form query inputs - Data traversing -> Search for the keywords in the repository, identify the statements containing the keyword - Finding Answer Suitability -> Based on previous feedback for question-answer (if any) filter out the most probable results from the document, also fetch the content on which the query keyword is dependent for references. - Resultant output and follow on analysis - Rank the Data in database via a closed loop feedback to every interaction.

Idea Abstract


Proposed Solution: An Application interface, that resembles, A chat bot, when asked a question will traverse specific documents (excel, doc, pdf) accessed via a central repository, process the text and find the most probable/suitable answer with references. The bot will be a self learning entity and use algorithms which will filter answers and references based on the previous question-answer feedback.

Provide an interactive interface, A chat bot, when asked a question will travers all the specific documents (excel, doc, pdf) stored in a central repository, process the text and find the most probable/suitable answer. The bot will be a self learning entity which will filter answer based on the previous question-answer feedback.

We will be providing an architecture and support solutions with following : - Database creation - Database translation - Query Building - Solution Ranking