NgRx (Version 9) Snippets for VS Code

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This extension for Visual Studio Code adds snippets of Typescript for NgRx.

Have a look at CHANGELOG for the latest changes


  1. Install Visual Studio Code 1.10.0 or higher
  2. Launch VS Code
  3. Hit Cmd-Shift-P (macOS) or Ctrl-Shift-P (Windows, Linux)
  4. Select Install Extension
  5. Choose the extension NgRx snippets
  6. Reload Visual Studio Code


Start typing ngrx-* and hit enter, the snippet spreads out.

Use Extension

TypeScript Snippets

Snippet Purpose
ngrx-actions-setup Fully configured Action constants, creators with success and fail.
ngrx-create-action-setup createAction setup
ngrx-create-action createAction
ngrx-create-action-props createAction with props
ngrx-actions-setup-crud Fully configured Actions for CRUD operations.
ngrx-action Action
ngrx-action-success Success Action
ngrx-action-fail Fail Action
ngrx-effect-setup Fully configured Effect
ngrx-effect Effect
ngrx-create-effect-setup Fully configured Effect using createEffect
ngrx-create-effect createEffect function
ngrx-root-effect-registration Effect Registration for root module
ngrx-feat-effect-registration Effect Registration for feature module
ngrx-reducer Reducer
ngrx-reducer-setup Reducer with state definition
ngrx-on on
ngrx-selector createSelector()
ngrx-feat-selector createFeatureSelector()
ngrx-dispatch-action store.dispatch()
ngrx-devtool-instrument Store devtool instrument specification
ngrx-entities-setup Data entities setup
ngrx-entity-adapter-setup Entity adapter
ngrx-entity-store-registration Entity store registration
ngrx-entity-data-service Entity service data service

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