Identity Reconciliation

This repository tackles an identity reconciliation problem for an e-commerce platform. Our goal is to identify and link customer purchases even when they use different contact information.

We store contact details in a relational database table named Contact. A customer can have multiple Contact rows linked together, with the oldest being the "primary" and the rest "secondary".

Hosted Version: The web service is available at


  1. Install dependencies:

    npm install
  2. Database configuration:

    • Configure your database connection details in .env file.
    • Run migrations using npm run migrate.
  3. Start the server:

    npm start

API Endpoint

The web service offers an endpoint /identify that accepts POST requests to identify a customer:

  "email": string? (optional),
  "phoneNumber": number? (optional)

The response is a JSON object with the following structure:

  "contact": {
    "primaryContatctId": number,
    "emails": string[],
    "phoneNumbers": string[],
    "secondaryContactIds": number[]



  "email": "",
  "phoneNumber": "123456"


  "contact": {
    "primaryContatctId": 1,
    "emails": ["", ""],
    "phoneNumbers": ["123456"],
    "secondaryContactIds": [23]

How it Works

  • The service searches for existing contacts matching the provided email or phoneNumber.
  • If a match is found, it returns the consolidated contact details, including emails, phone numbers, and secondary contact IDs.
  • If no match is found, a new "primary" contact is created.

Secondary Contacts:

  • A secondary contact is created when new information (different email or phone number) is linked to an existing contact.

Primary Contact Demotion:

  • A primary contact can become secondary if a newer contact with matching details is found.

Tech Stack:

  • Database: PostgreSQL
  • Backend: Node.js with TypeScript