
import IPython.display import pandas as pd import mysql.connector mydb=mysql.connector.connect(host='localhost',user='root',passwd='1234',database='Eshop')

def admin_menu(): ch5='y' while ch5=='y' or ch5=='Y': print(" 1. Add new product\n 2. Add stock to existing\n 3. View all product\n 4. Modify product\n 5. Delete data\n 6. Exit") ch1=int(input("Enter your choice")) if(ch1==1): add_new() elif(ch1==2): add_stock() elif(ch1==3): view_all() elif(ch1==4): modify() elif(ch1==5): delete() elif(ch1==6): return else: print("Invalid Input") ch5=input("Do you want to continue? ")

def add_new(): pid=input("Enter Product ID: ") pname=input("Enter Product Name: ") qty=int(input("Enter Quantity: ")) price=float(input("Enter Price: ")) disc=int(input("Enter discount: ")) cursor1=mydb.cursor() cursor1.execute("Insert into items values ('"+pid+"','"+pname+"','"+str(qty)+"','"+str(price)+"','"+str(disc)+"')") mydb.commit()

def add_stock(): pid=input("Enter Product ID to add stock: ") qty1=int(input("Enter quantity to add: ")) cursor1=mydb.cursor() cursor1.execute("select qty from items where PId='"+pid+"'") n=cursor1.fetchone()[0] # so that it can execute only values inside the table qty1=qty1+n cursor1.execute("Update items set qty='"+str(qty1)+"' where PId='"+pid+"'") mydb.commit()

def view_all(): cursor1=mydb.cursor() cursor1.execute("select * from items") data=list(cursor1.fetchall()) k=pd.DataFrame(data,columns=['PId','PName','Qty','Price','Disc']) print(k.to_string(index=False))

def modify(): print(" Modify:\n 1. Product Name\n 2. nPrice\n 3. Discount") cursor1=mydb.cursor() ch=int(input("Enter what you want to modify: ")) if(ch==1): pid=input("Enter Product ID: ") pname=input("Enter Product name: ") cursor1.execute("Update items set PName='"+pname+"' where PId='"+pid+"'") elif(ch==2): pid=input("Enter Product ID: ") price=float(input("Enter Price: ")) cursor1.execute("Update items set Price='"+str(price)+"' where PId='"+pid+"'") elif(ch==3): pid=input("Enter Product ID: ") disc=input("Enter Discount: ") cursor1.execute("Update items set Disc='"+str(disc)+"' where PId='"+pid+"'") else: print("Invalid Option.......") mydb.commit()

def delete(): cursor1=mydb.cursor() pid=input("Enter Product ID you want to delete: ") cursor1.execute("delete from items where PId='"+pid+"'") mydb.commit()

def buyer_menu(): print(" 1. View & Buy Products\n 2. Exit") ch2=int(input("Enter your choice: ")) if(ch2==1): view_buy() elif(ch2==2): return else: print("Invalid Option.......")

def view_buy(): view_all() revert={} ch3='y' while(ch3=='y' or ch3=="Y"): pid=input("Enter Product ID to buy: ") qty2=int(input("Enter quantity of product: ")) cursor1=mydb.cursor() revert [pid]=qty2 cursor1.execute("select qty from items where PId='"+pid+"'") n=int(cursor1.fetchone()[0]) if(qty2<=n): cursor1.execute("select pname from items where PId='"+pid+"'") pname=cursor1.fetchone()[0] cursor1.execute("select price from items where PId='"+pid+"'") price=cursor1.fetchone()[0] cursor1.execute("select disc from items where PId='"+pid+"'") disc=cursor1.fetchone()[0] net_price=(qty2price)-((discqty2*price)/100) cursor2=mydb.cursor() cursor2.execute("insert into bill values ('"+pid+"','"+pname+"','"+str(qty2)+"','"+str(price)+"','"+str(disc)+"','"+str(net_price)+"')") n=n-qty2 cursor1.execute("update items set qty='"+str(n)+"' where pid='"+pid+"'") mydb.commit() else: print("Required quantity not available.......") ch3=input("Do you want to continue? ") print("Generating your bill...") cursor2.execute("select * from bill") bill=cursor2.fetchall() k=pd.DataFrame(bill,columns=['PId','PName','Qty','Price','Disc','Net_Price']) print(k.to_string(index=False)) cursor2.execute("select sum(net_price) from bill") total=cursor2.fetchone()[0] print("Total payable amount is : Rs. ",total," only") ch7=input("Are you sure you want to purchase & pay amount?") if(ch7=='y' or ch7=='Y'): cursor2.execute("delete from bill") mydb.commit() print("Thanx for shoping with us, have a good day!") else: print("Cancelling your purchase, see you again soon!") for i in revert: a=i b=revert[str(a)] cursor1=mydb.cursor() cursor1.execute("select qty from items where pid='"+a+"'") qty=cursor1.fetchone()[0] qty=qty+b cursor1.execute("update items set qty='"+str(qty)+"' where pid='"+a+"'") mydb.commit() cursor2.execute("delete from bill") mydb.commit()

print("Welcome to XYZ Electronic Shop") ch6='y' while ch6=='y' or ch6=='Y': x=int(input("Enter 1 for admin or any other key for purchase: ")) if(x==1): pwd=input("Enter your password: ") if(pwd=="admin"): print("Welcome Admin.......") admin_menu() else: print("Invalid Password.........try Again") else: print("Welcome to XYZ Electronic Shop") buyer_menu() ch6=input("Press 'y' to continue or any other key to exit")