
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/gestural-music-sequencer

Primary LanguageProcessing

TITLE: GMS Version 0.11
AUTHOR: John Keston
VERSION DATE: April 10, 2010
WEB: http://audiocookbook.org/category/gms/

The GMS is a gestural music sequencer developed in Processing (processing.org). 
The application samples video and displays it either normally or inverted so it 
looks as though you're looking into a mirror. Each frame is analyzed for 
brightness, then the X and Y data of the brightest pixel is converted into a MIDI
note. The X axis is used to select a pitch, while the Y axis determines the 
dynamics. As users move, dance, gesture, or draw in front of the capture device,
notes are generated based on a predetermined scale. Currently the available 
scales are pentatonic minor, whole tone, major, minor, and chromatic, all of 
which can be dynamically selected during a performance. 

The scale can also be adjusted using probability distributions. Each note in the
twelve tone chromatic scale can be given weighted randomness from zero to one 
hundred. Notes set to zero will not play, and notes set to one hundred are most 
likely to play when the probability distributions are enabled.

Other dynamic controls include MIDI out channel, BPM, low and high octave, 
transposition, sustain, duration selection (manual or randomized with 
probability distributions), BPM adjustment, and note randomization. A "free" 
mode allows the durations to be manipulated by the mean brightness of the video 
input. Finally, four, simple video filter presets were recently added that can 
be applied by pressing shift + [1-4]. The application works especially well in 
dark lighting while using a light source to control the sequencer.

Note: to use the inter-application drivers (IAC Drivers) with the GMS to send 
MIDI to and receive external sync from external applications like, Ableton 
Live, or Reason, you must install the http://www.humatic.de/htools/mmj.htm (Mac 
OS X universal binary java Midi subsystem). 


This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License as 
published by the Free Software Foundation, version 3 or later.  The GMS Version 
0.11 is distributed "as is" from http://audiocookbook.org/gms/ in the hope that 
it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty 
Public License for more details. See http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ for a copy of 
the license.


1. A special thanks goes out to Grant Muller (grantmuller.com) for his 
extensive work on improving the RWMidi library for Processing.org. Grant was 
also an essential resource on external MIDI synchronization and optimization 
of the application. 

2. Thanks to Ali Momeni (alimomeni.net) for his suggestions on using 
probability distributions and inspiring me to create the software as a 
potential tool for Minneapolis Art on Wheels 


1. To create sound using the GMS start by selecting a MIDI out device. 
2. Next choose a camera that's either attached or built into the computer.
3. Click the internal sync radio button.
4. Press spacebar to start playing.
5. For external sync, choose the SYNC device first then click the external sync radio.
6. Try setting different MIDI channels, scales, octave ranges, etc. to each preset.
7. Switch the presets with ctrl + (1-0)
8. External control is currently available for the Korg MS2000 only. 


[alt+h]                                         = show or hide status / help
[ctrl+0-9]                                      = Choose a preset from 0 to 9
[space]                                         = stop / start
[shift]                                         = toggle sustain
[tab]                                           = toggle box around brightest coordinates
[f]                                             = toggle between free and bpm mode
[up/down]                                       = calibrate free mode or +/- bpm
[left/right]                                    = change MIDI output channel
[z,x,c,v,b,n,m]                                 = set durations from whole to sixty fourth
[.]                                             = dot the current duration
[q,2,w,3,e,r,5,t,6,y,7,u]                       = transpose starting from C through B
[g,h,j,k,l]                                     = choose the scale
[/]                                             = toggle duration probability distributions
[;]                                             = toggle note probability distributions
[-]                                             = toggle video mirror image
[esc]                                           = toggle full screen mode
[`]                                             = toggle soft full screen mode (for multiple monitors)
[delete]                                        = panic button (stop all notes on all channels)
[!,@,#,$]                                       = filter video


1. You must have Quicktime 7 installed.

2. To use a video capture device with the GMS on windows, a Video Digitizer 
(VDIG) that is compatible with Quicktime must be installed. For details 
regarding why this is necessary check here:


There aren't many free Windows VDIG libraries out there, but the one I used in 
testing (WinVDIG) is free and came from here:


Make sure you install version 1.0.1 according to the Processing recommendation, 
later versions are quite buggy. Other than that the GMS should work exactly as 
it does on the Mac, keeping in mind that it doesn't do much if you don't have 
a capture device installed.

3. There are a few common problems on Windows. If the GMS fails to start at 
all, its likely that Java or Quicktime are not installed. If you have an empty 
camera list its either because a) WinVDIG is not installed correctly or b) Your 
camera isn't supported by Quicktime. As of right now GMS will not work on a 
64-bit Windows paltform. 


Added the feature to create the probability for a note to be replaced by a rest. 

1. 2009-05-09 Set directory for load / save to GMS parent folder
2. 2009-05-09 Filter files to .gms and .mov in dialog
3. 2009-05-09 Loading a video loop sometimes causes exception and application crashes
4. 2009-05-09 Choosing a camera that's not available may cause an exception and crash
5. 2009-05-09 Choosing the same camera again may cause an exception and crashes
6. 2009-05-11 Setup a key control to show/hide the video???
7. 2009-06-02 Allow loading separate XML files for external controllers

1. 2009-05-08 Change panic button from delete to to something else (SOLVED)
2. 2009-05-08 Use SAVE and LOAD dialogues instead of fields (interferes with key controls) (DONE)
3. 2009-05-09 Investigate solutions for MIDI latency issue (IMPROVED)
4. 2009-05-09 Fix bug where turning off note probabilities reverts to Chromatic scale (FIXED)
5. 2009-05-09 Fix bug where turning off duration probabilities uses last played duration (FIXED)
6. 2009-05-10 Fix stuck note after stopping (FIXED)
7. 2009-08-05 Change from JFileChooser to FileDialog for load/save operations (DONE)
8. 2009-08-06 Prevent GMS start on external sync start message (DONE)
9. 2009-08-06 Resequence presets to 1-10 vs 0-9 (DONE)
10. 2009-08-09 Adjust external control for MS2K and add version number to UI (DONE)
11. 2010-04-10 Fix bug in keyboard controls for changing the presets.