
Implementation of Lists data type using Linked Lists

Primary LanguagePython


linkedpy is a simple linked list implementation in Python, providing a custom List class with various methods for managing linked list operations.


  • Basic Operations:

    • append(value): Add value to the end of the list.
    • insert(index, value): Insert a value before the specified index.
    • remove(value): Remove the first occurrence of a value.
    • pop(index=None): Remove and return an item at a specified index (default is the last item).
    • clear(): Remove all items from the list.
  • Access and Indexing:

    • __getitem__(index): Get the item at a specific index.
    • __setitem__(index, value): Set the item at a specific index.
    • __delitem__(index): Delete the item at a specific index.
  • Information and Iteration:

    • count(): Return the number of items in the list.
    • __len__(): Return the number of items in the list.
    • to_list(): Return the list as a normal Python list.
    • __repr__(): Return a string representation of the list.
    • __iter__(): Iterate over values in the list.
  • Concatenation:

    • __add__(other): Concatenate two lists using the + operator.
    • __iadd__(other): In-place concatenation using the += operator.
  • Statistical Operations:

    • min(): Return the minimum value in the list.
    • max(): Return the maximum value in the list.
  • Sorting:

    • sort(): Sort The list
    • sorted(): Return Sorted copy List


from linkedpy import List

# Create a new list
my_list = List(1, 2, 3)

# Append values

# Access elements
print(my_list[2])  # Output: 3

# Remove element

# Iterate over the list
for item in my_list:

# Concatenate lists
new_list = my_list + List(6, 7, 8)

# In-place concatenation
my_list += List(9, 10)

# Sorting


# Optional reverse argument