
Its a web app based on MERN stack where developers can add their details like educational Qualifications,Experience they have working in a company and can view the profiles the other users who have also created their accounts, not only that user can also view latest 4 Github repositories of other people

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Dev View

Its a web app where user can put their details and see profiles of other developers who has also created an account on it. To start just sign up and as you create the account they just need to sign in and create their profile, like adding their Education,Experience,etc. You can also add your Social media handles including your Github username, you can also view the recent 4 repositories of that respective Github user.

Mar 9, 2019 2_22 PM (1)

Technology used

React js,Redux,Express js,MongoDb,Github oAuth Api

Set up

Initially after having a copy of repo in your system,-

  1. cd into Project directory
  2. Run npm install
  3. cd into client directory
  4. Now, again run npm install

As now ,both the dependencies for React js as front-end and Express js as back-end Now Start the server by

  1. npm run dev