
Terraform modules to deploy DSpace as AWS ECS services.

Primary LanguageHCL

DSpace Terraform modules

Terraform modules to deploy DSpace as AWS ECS services.




The Solr module is completely optional. The DSpace backend requires a Solr url, and this module provides a way to run Solr as an ECS service with DSpace Solr configuration included. If you do use this module it requires service discovery.

resource "aws_service_discovery_private_dns_namespace" "this" {
  name = "dspace.solr"
  vpc  = module.vpc.vpc_id

Module configuration:

module "solr" {
  source = "github.com/dts-hosting/terraform-aws-dspace//modules/solr"

  cluster_id           = var.cluster_id # AWS ECS cluster id
  efs_id               = var.efs_id # AWS EFS id
  img                  = var.solr_img # DSpace Solr docker image
  name                 = "demo-solr" # Name for resources created by the module (must be unique)
  security_group_id    = var.security_group_id # Security group id (must allow 8983 within VPC)
  service_discovery_id = aws_service_discovery_private_dns_namespace.this.id
  subnets              = var.subnets # Subnet ids (requires route to internet for downloading images)
  vpc_id               = var.vpc_id # VPC id

  tags = {
    SolrUrl = "http://demo-solr.dspace.solr:8983"

Given this example, with service discovery, Solr would be available at:

  • http://demo-solr.dspace.solr:8983/solr

For all configuration options review the variables file.


Run the DSpace backend (REST API server).

Configuration for the DSpace backend:

module "backend" {
  source = "github.com/dts-hosting/terraform-aws-dspace//modules/backend"

  backend_url       = "https://example.dspace.org/server"
  cluster_id        = var.cluster_id
  db_host           = var.db_host # db hostname
  db_name           = var.db_name # db name (will be created if not exists)
  db_password_arn   = var.db_password_param # SSM param name containing password
  db_username_arn   = var.db_username_param # SSM param name containing username
  efs_id            = var.efs_id
  frontend_url      = "https://example.dspace.org"
  host              = "example.dspace.org"
  img               = var.backend_img
  listener_arn      = var.listener_arn
  listener_priority = 1
  name              = "demo-backend"
  namespace         = "/server"
  security_group_id = data.aws_security_group.selected.id
  solr_url          = "http://demo-solr.dspace.solr:8983/solr"
  subnets           = var.subnets
  timezone          = "America/New_York"
  vpc_id            = var.vpc_id

  tags = {
    BackendUrl = "https://example.dspace.org/server/api"

Given this example, the backend would be available at:

  • https://example.dspace.org/server

For all configuration options review the variables file.

Custom environment and secrets configuration

Custom (non-predefined) environment and secrets configuration can be defined:

custom_env_cfg = {
  "rest__P__cors__P__allowed__D__origins" = "https://example.dspace.org,http://localhost:4000"
custom_secrets_cfg = {
  "authentication__D__ldap__P__search__P__password" = "arn:aws:ssm:us-east-2:111222333444:parameter/ldapPassword"


The tasks variable can be used to schedule commands that run inside dedicated, transitory container instances, (therefore there should be no impact on the web based services). This requires Fargate compatibility to be enabled on the cluster.

tasks = {
  reindex = {
    args     = ["/dspace/bin/dspace", "index-discovery", "-b"]
    schedule = "cron(0 6 * * ? *)" # UTC timezone
  • name of the task
    • args: list of (string) arguments to a valid command within the container
    • schedule: CloudWatch schedule expression


Configuration for the DSpace frontend (Angular UI):

module "frontend" {
  source = "../../modules/frontend"

  cluster_id        = var.cluster_id
  host              = "example.dspace.org"
  img               = var.frontend_img
  listener_arn      = var.listener_arn
  listener_priority = 2
  name              = "demo-frontend"
  namespace         = "/"
  rest_host         = "example.dspace.org"
  rest_namespace    = "/server"
  security_group_id = data.aws_security_group.selected.id
  subnets           = data.aws_subnets.selected.ids
  vpc_id            = data.aws_vpc.selected.id

  tags = {
    FrontendUrl = "https://example.dspace.org"

Given this example, the frontend would be available at:

  • https://example.dspace.org

For all configuration options review the variables file.


For the frontend there is an autoscaling policy which can be configured by:

autoscaling_cpu_threshold = 75
autoscaling_max_capacity  = 3 # max no. of instances

The minimum capacity is set to 1.

The policy overrides [var.]instances so to fully stop the frontend service you need to target the autoscaling group policy not the ECS service (when using the AWS cli for example).

This feature requires sticky sessions which is enabled on the target group created by this module.


Optional module for http -> https redirection when a certbot certificate is required. If you cannot use ACM directly and / or would otherwise prefer to generate an SSL certificate using certbot this module runs an nginx proxy as a service that will support certbot webroot challenges. To do this the listener_arn must be for an http listener: http requests will be allowed through to the certbot container and redirected to https unless responding to certbot challenges. If certificate generation is successful the certificate is uploaded to ACM and registered with the specified load balancer (identified by name).

module "certbot" {
  source = "../../modules/certbot"

  cluster_id        = var.cluster_id
  email             = "example@dspace.org"
  enabled           = true
  hostname          = "example.dspace.org"
  lb_name           = var.lb_name
  listener_arn      = var.listener_arn
  name              = "demo-certbot"
  security_group_id = data.aws_security_group.selected.id
  subnets           = data.aws_subnets.selected.ids
  vpc_id            = data.aws_vpc.selected.id

For more details on the certbot container refer to docker-certbot-acm.

Custom environment and secrets configuration

Custom (non-predefined) environment and secrets configuration can be defined:

custom_env_cfg = {
  "NEW_RELIC_APP_NAME" = "dspace-frontend"
custom_secrets_cfg = {
  "NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY" = "arn:aws:ssm:us-east-2:111222333444:parameter/newrelic_license_key"

Launch type configuration

The backend (api) and frontend modules can deploy to either EC2 or Fargate.

To deploy to an ECS/EC2 auto-scaling group:

capacity_provider        = "EC2"
network_mode             = "bridge"
requires_compatibilities = ["EC2"]
target_type              = "instance"

Note: this configuration is not currently supported for the Solr module.

To deploy to an ECS/EC2 auto-scaling group with awsvpc network mode:

capacity_provider        = "EC2"
network_mode             = "awsvpc"
requires_compatibilities = ["EC2"]
target_type              = "ip" # omit for Solr module

Note: this configuration is supported for the Solr module but has specific requirements.

To deploy to Fargate (the default):

capacity_provider        = "FARGATE"
network_mode             = "awsvpc"
requires_compatibilities = ["FARGATE"]
target_type              = "ip"