- 0
Dependency Dashboard
#410 opened by renovate - 1
DynamooseModule.forFeatureAsync (and .forFeature) doesn't support single table with multiple schemas
#1259 opened by ziazon - 1
Example with Hash and Range Key
#1141 opened by jaekunchoi - 12
- 1
- 2
Mocking InjectModel providers
#1096 opened by nircohLudeo - 1
Peer dependency error with reflect-metadata
#1049 opened by MickL - 1
`DynamooseModuleOptions` multi aws-profile issue when testing with `sls offline`
#1016 opened by 0xNarumi - 1
Support dynamoose v4.0.0
#1019 opened by yonatanaftali - 10
DAX support
#538 opened by cbjjensen - 3
Config with unit test
#957 opened by Anhdao153 - 1
Bug: TransactionSupport not recognizing table name with "prefix" and "suffix" in nestjs-dynamoose
#904 opened by 1000ship - 1
Adding migration
#897 opened by ThienNDDi - 1
update nestjs dependency to v10
#870 opened by ianzone - 2
throw built-in 404 when resource not found
#859 opened by ianzone - 10
Breaking change
#837 opened by onurkose - 1
Breaking API/dependency changes
#843 opened by gscalise - 10
ForFeatureAsync has weird interface
#822 opened by geekmini - 4
- 6
Nestjs DynamooseModule.forFeatureAsync is throwing InvalidParameter exception - hashKey must be at root object and not nested in object or array
#449 opened by dhirajkumar94 - 5
Dynamically configuring DynamoDB table names?
#684 opened by rbonestell - 1
- 5
- 4
Endpoint URL must be a string, got object
#720 opened by luizgomesdev - 2
Dynamoose v3 support
#581 opened by lewalt000 - 1
Dynamoose AWS IAM ROLE -> CredentialsError: Missing credentials in config
#668 opened by dornach-piotr-storek - 4
NestJS v9 Support
#648 opened by rbonestell - 1
Support for AWS Web identity token credentials ?
#628 opened by dejwsz - 1
Support for schema property "useDocumentTypes"
#537 opened by cesarochoa2006 - 2
- 2
Updating Dynamoose version to the latest so we can support multiple types for attributes
#501 opened by nasikshafeek - 8
Model.batchGet() settings is missing attributes
#436 opened by lionel22 - 1
Model functions?
#382 opened by schealex - 9
Create schema with a model type
#363 opened by MRdgz - 0
Action Required: Fix Renovate Configuration
#256 opened by renovate - 1
Add support for serializers
#236 opened by andrewda - 15
Remove Dynamoose interfaces
#76 opened by MickL - 3
Support for IAM roles instead of access tokens
#207 opened by rkutca - 1
Invalid order in ts type
#184 opened by nesty92 - 5
- 4
Add transaction please!
#148 opened by Igrokqq - 2
Add method of providing logger(s)
#145 opened by tmartensen-chwy - 1
- 2
Example of searching with range/sort key?
#109 opened by twigs67 - 1
#108 opened by twigs67 - 6
- 1
`Model.get()` settings is missing `attributes`
#86 opened by MickL - 1
Update interfaces to 2.2.0
#81 opened by MickL - 6
Release dynamoose 2.1.x to npm
#71 opened by MickL - 9
Add typings to dynamoose project
#41 opened by MickL