
Simple React Native carousel component,fully implemented using reanimated v2,support to IOS/Android.(轮播图、swiper)

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ReactNative community's best use of the carousel component! 🎉🎉🎉

  • It completely solves this problem for react-native-snap-carousel! More styles and apis in development... Try it
  • SimpleInfinitely scrolling very smoothFully implemented using Reanimated 2!


The common RN infinite scroll component. It get stuck on a fast slide. Wait for the next element to appear. This component will not have similar problems.Because using a completely different approach so the best performance is achieved.That's why this library was created.

Use react-native-snap-carousel for quick swiping,you can see caton clearly when you reach the junction.(gif 4.6mb)

Compared with react-native-reanimated-carousel,The actual test was ten slides per second, but it didn't show up very well in gif.(gif 83mb)


Open a Terminal in the project root and run:

yarn add react-native-reanimated-carousel

Or if you use npm:

npm install react-native-reanimated-carousel

Now we need to install react-native-gesture-handler and react-native-reanimated(>=2.0.0).


If use EXPO managed workflow please ensure that the version is greater than 41.Because the old version not support Reanimated(v2)


import Carousel from 'react-native-reanimated-carousel';

<Carousel<{ color: string }>
    width={ width }
    data={[{ color: 'red' }, { color: 'purple' }, { color: 'yellow' }]}
    renderItem={({ color }) => {
        return <View style={{ backgroundColor: color, flex: 1}}/>


  • When rendering a large number of elements, you can use the 'windowSize' property to control how many items of the current element are rendered. The default is full rendering. After testing without this property, frames will drop when rendering 200 empty views. After setting this property, rendering 1000 empty views is still smooth. (The specific number depends on the phone model tested)


name required default types description
data T[] Carousel items data set
width number Specified carousel container width
renderItem (data: T, index: number) => React.ReactNode Render carousel item
defaultIndex 0 number Default index
autoPlay false boolean Auto play
autoPlayReverse false boolean Auto play reverse playback
autoPlayInterval 1000 autoPlayInterval Auto play playback interval
mode defalut 'default'|'parallax' Carousel Animated transitions
loop true boolean Carousel loop playback
parallaxScrollingOffset 100 number When use 'parallax' Layout props,this prop can be control prev/next item offset
parallaxScrollingScale 0.8 number When use 'parallax' Layout props,this prop can be control prev/next item scale
style {} ViewStyle Carousel container style
height '100%' undefined | string | number Specified carousel container height
springConfig {damping: 100} Animated.WithSpringConfig Spring config of translation animated
onSnapToItem (index: number) => void Callback fired when navigating to an item
onScrollBegin () => void Callback fired when scroll begin
onScrollEnd (previous: number, current: number) => void Callback fired when scroll end
panGestureHandlerProps {} Omit<Partial<PanGestureHandlerProps>,'onHandlerStateChange'> PanGestureHandler props
windowSize 0 number The maximum number of items that can respond to pan gesture events, 0 means all items will respond to pan gesture events
onProgressChange onProgressChange?: (offsetProgress: number,absoluteProgress: number) => void On progress change. offsetProgress:Total of offset distance (0 390 780 ...); absoluteProgress:Convert to index (0 1 2 ...)


name types description
prev ()=>void Play the last one
loop ()=>void Play the next one
goToIndex (index: number, animated?: boolean) => void Go to index
getCurrentIndex ()=>number Get current item index


yarn example -- ios
yarn example -- android


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