
iot-bgw Container, contains BGW external interface, http-proxy, mqtt-proxy and auth server

Primary LanguageShell


IoT Border Gateway, remote access and security for the Internet of Things, contains BGW external interface, http-proxy, mqtt-proxy and auth server

Try it out

docker pull hareeqi/bgw
docker run --rm -it -p 443:443 -e "ADMIN_KEY_PASSWORD=test" hareeqi/bgw
  • Admin key "admin.test.7UQ4zTKbjv85YKxJwX6Tky1tIl7cpvGHPdsqBTwGZMz"
  • Test Link note: port 443 requires sudo access


  • Map a volume to /bgw/config that contains the three files below
  • Provide a certificate file ("[cert name].pem") - example
  • Provide a key file ("[key name].pem") - example
  • provide a config file (either config.env or config.json or both)
  • You final docker run command looks like this.
docker run -p 80:80 -p 443:443 -p 8883:8883 -v /my/host/config:/bgw/config hareeqi/bgw


  • Click authorize and set the api key to "Bearer [BGW ADMIN KEY]"
  • You can change the swagger target host host by changing the url
  • Click here to use swagger Click here


  • All configs for the bgw are passed as environment variables
  • You can supply environment variables from a file by providing config.env or config.json or both
  • Each bgw component has a config prifix (EI_, HTTP_PROXY_, MQTT_PROXY_, AUTH_SERVER_, AAA_CLIENT_)
  • Shared config like the aaa client, can be used globally like AAA_CLIENT_ or selectivily like EI_AAA_CLEINT_
  • note: configs in config.json will be converted to environment variables and passed to all components
  • For all available configurations list (click here)


Development Mode

If you would like to further develop the bgw in your local machine:

  1. Clone the rep by running this command
git clone https://github.com/hareeqi/iot-bgw.git
  1. Build the dependencies for all components and remove the container using this command:
docker run --rm -it -v "$(pwd)"/iot-bgw:/bgw hareeqi/bgw build
  1. Create and run a container with dependencies in dev mode:
docker run --rm -it -p 80:80 -p 443:443 -p 8883:8883 -v "$(pwd)"/iot-bgw:/bgw hareeqi/bgw dev

Whenever you change the code in you local dev folder the component will automatically restarts and your changes are reflected immediately

